Endodontic Microbial Communities in Apical Periodontitis

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CE Hours: 1.0

Description: Apical periodontitis (AP) represents an inflammatory condition of peri-radicular tissues due to invasion and colonization of bacteria in the root canals. Primary apical periodontitis (PAP) is associated with untreated necrotic root canal and can be efficiently treated with endodontic treatment to remove bacteria. Persistent/secondary apical periodontitis (SAP) is a perpetual periapical lesion due to unsuccessfully treated root canals after an initial apparent healing of the tooth. The aim of the study was evaluating the microbial communities associated with root canals using Nanopore sequencing.

At the conclusion of this article, the reader will be able to: 

  • Identify most common microbiota found in Primary apical periodontitis (PAP) and Persistent/secondary apical periodontitis (SAP)
  • Explain how the microbiota found in endodontic conditions are complex and are not completely mapped out yet
  • Explain the severity of the PA lesion produced a statistically significant difference in types of microbiome diversity and know the different bacteria founds in PAI ≤2 vs PAI ≥3.


Endodontic Microbial Communities in Apical Periodontitis
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9 Questions
CE Test
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available

Alessio Buonavoglia, P.h.D.

Fausto Zamparini, P.h.D.

Gianvito Lanave, P.h.D.

Francesco Pellegrini, M.D.

Georgia Diakoudi, P.h.D.

Andrea Spinelli, M.D.

Maria Stella Lucente, P.h.D.

Michele Camero, P.h.D.

Violetta Iris Vasinioti, M.D.

Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, P.h.D.

Vito Martella, P.h.D.

Carlo Prati, P.h.D.