F-13 Future of Education and Residency Programs
CE Hours: 0.75
Description: Advanced technologies for endodontic treatment continue to become available and improve. As such, endodontic resident education must include the scientific and clinical basis for their use in patient treatment. This presentation will review several contemporary technologies, including laser enhanced irrigation, GentleWave, and navigation systems, and how to incorporate their use in endodontic residency programs.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the contemporary technologies that endodontic residents should have familiarity with
- Explain how new technologies can facilitate endodontic treatment
- Describe available evidence to support the use of contemporary technologies
Frederic Barnett D.M.D.
Dr. Barnett received his DMD degree in 1978 and his Certificate in Endodontics in 1981, both from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine. He received his Board Certification in Endodontics in 1988, has served as the Director of Post Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania, and is currently the Chairman and Program Director of the IB Bender Postdoctoral Endodontic Program at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. Dr. Barnett has written numerous scientific and clinical papers and has lectured nationally and internationally on the Endodontic Infections, Revascularization, Dental Trauma, Root Resorption, and Contemporary Endodontic Treatment. Dr. Barnett is a Fellow of the IADT, the International College of Dentists, and the American College of Dentists. He received the Edward M. Osetek Educator Award in 2017 from the AAE and the 2018 Community Service Award from the Philadelphia Business Journal for providing endodontic services for the homeless in Philadelphi
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