FREE: PF-2 I Read on the Internet that it's Dangerous

4.5 (14 votes)

Course Description:

Endodontics has long been associated with a sense of "quackery". With all of the scientific advancement we take for granted here in the new millennium, it is easy to assume the credence of the "one hundred percenters" and others of their kind has somehow fallen by the wayside. However, as noted by Dr. Jones of Penn State College of Medicine, "In many ways, the free and relatively unregulated internet resembles the golden era of patent medicine. And, much as in earlier times, the populace is becoming more distrustful of mainstream medicine and increasingly turning to complementary and alternative products."
According to the National Health Statistics Report, 38.3 percent of all U.S. adults used some form of complementary or alternative medicine or treatment as of 2007 (Barnes, Bloom, & Nahin. 2008). Subsequently we have all fielded questions from patients that invariably begin with "I was online..." This lecture is designed to not only provide evidence-based responses for many of these dental, and specifically endodontic concerns, but also to explore what drives this behavior.

At the conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the most prevalent internet fallacies consumers believe about endodontics.
  • Produce evidence in dispute of many internet dental "rumors".
  • Discuss factors that drive patients to seek/believe alternate dental therapies.


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7 Questions

James Wolcott, D.D.S. 

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