I-4 Odontogenic Sinusitis
CE Hours: 0.75
Description: Odontogenic sinusitis (ODS) is a fascinating and unique form of infectious sinus disease, stemming from infectious maxillary dental pathology or following certain dental treatments. ODS is more common than historically thought, but is still frequently missed by each of the provider types critical to diagnosing and managing the condition (radiologists, dentists and dental specialists, and otolaryngologists). ODS has been significantly underrepresented in national and international sinusitis guidelines, but major strides have been made over the last 5 years with improved publication volumes and evidence levels, leading to national and international consensus statements on diagnosing and treating ODS. This presentation will present the highest evidence levels to date on ODS, covering all aspects of the condition from epidemiology to pathophysiology, to optimal diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. The goals are to increase awareness and clinicians’ diagnostic suspicion of ODS, and to promote the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration when managing these patients.
Learning Objectives:
- Define odontogenic sinusitis (ODS)
- Diagnose odontogenic sinusitis (ODS)
- Treat odontogenic sinusitis (ODS)

John Craig, MD
Dr. John Craig is joining us from Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan where he is the Division Chief of Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. Dr. Craig completed his Fellowship in Rhinology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2015, and has been in practice at Henry Ford ever since. He has a number of research interests, but for the last 5 years he has had a particular interest in odontogenic sinusitis. He has published 13 articles on the topic in the last few years, and has led the first national and international multidisciplinary consensus statements on diagnosing and treating odontogenic sinusitis.
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