Preserving and Restoring Pulp Vitality: When, Why and How to Do It
CE Hours: 2.0
Description: Regenerative endodontics represents a paradigm shift in endodontics that has the primary goal of preservation or reestablishment of homeostatic physiological pulp functions. An inflamed dental pulp has been thought to be incapable of healing. This dogma is even reflected in the diagnostic term: “irreversible pulpitis”. Also, pulp necrosis has been a condition that required root canal spaces to be filled with inert materials to prevent growth of microorganisms. Unfortunately, obturation also prevents the growth of patients own living tissues that could bring back important physiological functions lost due to partial or total pulp necrosis. Advancements in biological understanding, techniques and materials have made regenerative endodontic procedures (vital pulp therapies and revitalization) alternatives to teeth requiring non-surgical endodontic treatment. In this lecture, the application of regenerative endodontic approaches will be discussed in light of real clinical scenarios, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of these procedures and their possible pitfalls while contrasting with what is well-known in more “traditional” non-surgical endodontic therapies.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the prognostic factors for pulp revitalization and pulpotomies
- Understand the expected outcomes of pulp revitalization and vital pulp therapies
- List the most common pitfalls with revitalization and pulpotomies and how to avoid them
Anibal R. Diogenes, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Dr. Anibal Diogenes received his D.D.S. from UFPE in Brazil, his M.S. in Molecular Biology from the University of Nebraska, and his Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Certificate in Endodontics from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Diogenes is the Vice-Chair of the department of Endodontics at the University of Texas Health at San Antonio, and a director of the American Board of Endodontics. His areas of research include, inflammation, pain and regenerative endodontics.
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