Surgical Complications

4.67 (3 votes)

CE Hours: 2.0

Description: Endodontic surgery has become a predictable and highly successful way of solving recurrent endodontic infections. Even with the technologies such as operating microscope, CBCT, piezotome, ultrasonics, etc, still there are many situations that arise that require special approaches. This presentation will focus on achieving access to difficult areas, such as palatal roots, or areas covered by thick cortical bone. We will also discuss safe management of the sinuses and mental nerve, as well as a newer concept called selective curettage. When all else fails, then intentional replantation must be considered, and we will discuss techniques to perform replantation with success rates approaching 90%. The presentation is clinically oriented, showing many cases with clinical tips to successful microsurgery.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Demonstrate proper positioning of microscope/patient/doctor
  • Troubleshoot potential complications involving the mental nerve and sinuses and palatal roots
  • Become comfortable performing Intentional Replantation


Navigating the Abyss: Addressing Incompetence and Injury in Root Canal Therapy
Recorded 11/09/2024  |  116 minutes
Recorded 11/09/2024  |  116 minutes
8 Questions
CE Test
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
2.00 CE credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 CE credits  |  Certificate available

Samuel Kratchman, D.MD


University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Sam Kratchman was born and raised in New York. He received both a B.S. in Biology and a D.M.D. from Tufts University in Boston. Sam then entered The University of Pennsylvania, where he received a Certificate of Endodontics.

A prominent leader in his field, Dr. Kratchman currently teaches at U. Penn as an Associate Professor of Endodontics, and he is the Assistant Director of Graduate Endodontics, in charge of the microsurgical portion of the program. He frequently lectures on several Endodontic topics throughout the United States, Europe, South America, Canada and Asia.

Dr. Kratchman has authored several articles and chapters on Endodontics, and has co-authored the textbook of Endodontic Microsurgery with Dr. Kim in 2017. He also developed a patented instrument called the S Kondenser for the obturation of root canals. Both Main Line Today and Doctor of Dentistry magazines honored Dr. Kratchman as the cover story for their "Best of" issues.

Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose