June 3, 2020 - All Times are CST

Welcome & Decoronation and the Endodontist’s Role in the Preservation of Alveolar Bone in Children and Teenagers 9:55 a.m.

Welcome & Decoronation and the Endodontist’s Role in the Preservation of Alveolar Bone in Children and Teenagers


Replacement resorption and ankylosis are frequently diagnosed following avulsion and severe intrusive luxation. The treatment of ankylosed permanent incisors following dental trauma present a clinical challenge particularly when involve a growing child due to the high risk of infraposition and undevelopment of the alveolar bone. New approaches for the treatment of ankylosed teeth, including decoronation and bone augmentation for the preservation of alveolar ridge prior to the implant-based prosthetic reconstruction will be thoroughly discussed and illustrated.

Root Canal Obturation: Changing Philosophy? 11:15 a.m.

Root Canal Obturation: Changing Philosophy?


Root canal obturation is a critical step in non-surgical root canal treatment.  However, the materials and techniques used in obturation have remained relatively stagnant until recently. With the introduction of newer materials and a trend of a more conservative access canal preparation, new opportunities and challenges began to emerge in obturation. This presentation is designed to discuss the emerging obturation concepts, materials and techniques; provide evidence-based clinical guidance for endodontists to meet today’s challenges in root canal obtuation and achieve a more predictable treatment outcome.   

Periodontal Surgical Pearls for the Endodontist 1:00 p.m.

Periodontal Surgical Pearls for the Endodontist


Dental implants are an important evolution in oral rehabilitation. However, many teeth which were once predictably maintained are being extracted. Endodontic surgery is frequently the ideal treatment option for patients desiring to preserve their dentition. With the advent of Targeted Endodontic Microsurgery and other novel surgical techniques, endodontists are performing surgery with greater accuracy and in locations not previously attempted. This session will evaluate anatomic considerations, common periodontal surgical procedures, and multidisciplinary surgical treatment modalities when performing dentoalveolar surgery. Additionally factors impacting the long-term surgical outcomes will be reviewed.

How to Lose a Referral in 10 Ways 2:00 p.m.

How to Lose a Referral in 10 Ways


Endodontists, by and large, rely on referrals from other practitioners to maintain patient flow. If referral management is done well, it can enhance patient care and minimize patient management problems. If it is not done well, it can result in poor practice performance and the loss of confidence by the local dental community in an endodontic practice. This presentation will review the overall relationship between the GP and the specialist and offer 10 things to avoid so that your relationships with your referrals stay strong.